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Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form

Residential properties of all sorts, constructed before the year 1978 may contain lead based paint. Any renovation work in such dwellings may result in severe exposure to lead particles and chips causing various health hazards. Therefore, it is mandatory by EPA Section 1018 Disclosure Rule for a landlord or a broker to handover duly filled Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form along with the Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home pamphlet to a new tenant. Therefore, download the form, fill in the required information, and hand over a signed copy to the new tenant in case your residential property is constructed prior to the year 1978. However, please ensure that the tenant acknowledges the receipt of the disclosure in the form. In addition, the landlord, the tenant, property manager, listing agent, leasing agent, and all other involved parties must sign this form. Please review tips on lead based disclosure carefully prior to leasing a property constructed before the year 1978. 

Steps to Prepare Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form

The form has spaces for various inputs, selection of choices, and signatures of involved parties. Therefore, it is necessary that all parties prepare this disclosure together and hand over a duly signed copy to the tenant. Inputs required in this form are

  • Detailed address of the property
  • Selection of option A1 in case the landlord is aware of presence of lead based paint on the premises
  • Selection of option A2 in case the landlord is unaware of lead based paint presence on the premises
  • Initials of the landlord in acceptance in section A
  • Selection of appropriate choice from options B1 or B2 to declare availability or unavailability of records along with the initials of the landlord
  • Landlord’s initials in section C
  • Tenant’s acknowledgement in section D and E to for receipt of disclosure and pamphlet respectively
  • Signatures of involved listing agent, property manager, or leasing agent to acknowledge landlord’s compliance to Residential Resale Lead-Based Paint Hazard 1992
  • Date and signatures of the landlord and the tenant along with the involved parties like listing agent, property manager, or leasing agent
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